Our tuckshop is a service provided and managed by the P&C Association. It is staffed by volunteers. The tuckshop opens Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8.30 am. We promote healthy eating and operate under the Smart Choices - Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.
How it works
All tuckshop orders are placed online through our SCHOOL STREAM app. Please download this free app. Tuckshop Menu 2021
You will be able to go to ‘Forms’ on the home page, and click on the ‘Tuck Shop Order Form’ to make and pay for your order.
The cashless, allows for further protection for our staff, security and systems.
Things to note;
- An order will need to be made before 5pm the previous day. For e.g. if you are ordering for Wednesday, the order needs to be made through the school stream app on Tuesday before 5pm. We will set up a reminder through school stream for the week in advance.
- You cannot order more than 7 days in advance at the moment.
- The order will not proceed through to the tuckshop if it is not paid for. You will receive a message to say your order has been successful or unsuccessful. A further confirmation is sent to your nominated email address.
- 10c has been added on to the prices of items to 1. Address the rise in costs that are associated with the purchase of these goods; 2. To combat the surcharge that the P & C are charged with in relation to purchasing online.
Children love to see their parents and relatives helping out at school and volunteering in the tuckshop is a great way to get involved, meet people with similar interests and make new friends.
You can help by
Volunteering your time weekly, monthly or when you can (between 8.30 am and 11.30 am any day).
Assisting on special days (advertised in the school newsletter)
Please contact the
school office if you can help.