
Positive Behaviour for Learning


Rosewood State School uses Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) as the multi-tiered system of support for discipline in the school.  This is a whole-school approach, used in all classrooms and programs offered through the school, including sporting activities and excursions.

 PBL is an evidence-based framework used to:

  • analyse and improve student behaviour and learning outcomes
  • ensure that only evidence-based practices are used correctly by teachers to support students
  • continually support staff members to maintain consistent school and classroom improvement practices.

 At Rosewood State School we believe discipline is about more than punishment.  It is a word that reflects our belief that student behaviour is a part of the overall teaching and learning approach in our school.  Our staff take responsibility for making their expectations clear, for providing supportive instruction about how to meet these expectations and strive to use behavioural incidents as opportunities to re-teach.

The development of the Rosewood State School Student Code of Conduct is an opportunity to explain the PBL framework with parents and students, and gain their support to implement a consistent approach to teaching behaviour.  The language and expectations of PBL can be used in any environment, including the home setting for students.  Doing everything we can do to set students up for success is a shared goal of every parent and school staff member. 

Any students or parents who have questions or would like to discuss the Student Code of Conduct or PBL are encouraged to speak with the class teacher or make an appointment to meet with the SET teacher, PBL Internal Coach, deputy principal and principal.

PBL Expectations

Our staff are committed to delivering a high quality of education for every student, and believe all adults in the school, whether visiting or working, should meet the same three Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) expectations in place for students, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Bring your Best.


Below are examples of what these PBL expectations look like for students across the school.  In addition, each classroom will have their own set of examples to help students and visitors understand the expectations and meet the standards we hold for everyone at Rosewood State School.

Be Respectful

  • Follow teachers and other adults' instructions first time every time.
  • Listen to fellow students' questions in class.
  • Put rubbish in the bins provided.
  • Respect others space and belongings.
  • Use G rated language at school.

Be Responsible

  • Be prepared for class.
  • Complete your homework and assignments on time.
  • Follow teacher directions.
  • Ask for help when you need.

Bring your Best

  • Do your own work.
  • Learn from your mistakes.
  • Hand in items you find to the teacher.
  • Be honest.
  • Look for opportunities to help others.
  • Encourage fellow students to do their best.
  • Give someone a compliment.

Last reviewed 17 September 2021
Last updated 17 September 2021